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Youth Privacy Statement

PRIVACY STATEMENT for Youth Members and their Parents

This is the privacy statement of all the ‘units’ within Christchurch District Scouting. Whilst scouting is organised in individual charities each with their own executive committee, scouting is delivered as a joint activity within Christchurch using shared processes. Therefore, the following 9 ‘units’ have the same privacy statements.


Scouting ‘unit’ & Registrations Data Controller and contact
Christchurch District

TSA membership 10001315

Charity commission 267706

Christchurch District Scout Council executive committee

Town Scout Group

TSA membership 10010176

Charity commission 302214

1st Christchurch (Town) Scout Council executive committee

Jumpers Scout Group

TSA membership 10010177

3rd Christchurch (Jumpers) Scout Council executive committee

Highcliffe Scout Group

TSA membership 10010178

Charity commission 302216

5th Christchurch (Highcliffe) Scout Council executive committee

Bransgore Scout Group

TSA membership 10013735

Charity commission 267707

6th Christchurch (Bransgore) Scout Council executive committee

Burton Scout Group

TSA membership 10012226

Charity commission 1035311

8th Christchurch (Burton) Scout Council executive committee

Mudeford Scout Group

TSA membership 10012227

Charity commission 302217

10th Christchurch (Mudeford) Scout Council executive committee

Somerford Scout Group

TSA membership 10013153

Charity commission 302218

20th Christchurch (1st Somerford) Scout Council executive committee

Hurn Scout Group

TSA membership 11856989

Charity commission 1175342

22nd Christchurch (Hurn) Scout Council executive committee

To ensure your child is able to participate and enjoy a range of Scouting activities and opportunities during their membership, we need to collect and store a range of information, some of which is classed as sensitive, for example, medical information and additional needs.

Scouting respects personal privacy and only Scout leaders and managers, on a need to know basis, will see the information you give. We won’t share any personal information with any third party outside of Scouting without asking you, except in certain circumstances required by law, a regulatory requirement or to safeguard a child.

We securely hold all Scouting data on an online membership system whilst your child is an active member. If they leave scouting, we’ll archive this information in line with our data retention policy. You will be given a secure login to see what is held on the online membership system and you have a right to ask for a copy of all data we hold about your child.

As a registered member of The Scout Association, we are bound by the Policy, Organisation and Rules, known as POR. Within that is the Privacy and Data Protection Policy (POR 2.6) which puts a scouting perspective on our legal obligations to comply with the General Data Protection laws.

Whilst it is no longer stipulated by TSA, we continue to adopt the following. Access to the personal data relating to youth members must be restricted to individuals who have undertaken a personal enquiry and criminal record check via DBS

Our lawful basis for processing membership data is Consent. We request your consent to process your/their personal data for the purpose of managing their Scout membership and running Scouting activities.

We respect your rights as given in law.

This is an introduction to the full document.